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Australasian Spartacist No. 227

Spring 2015

Open Letter to the Greek Communist Party

Why We Are Not Giving Critical Support to the KKE

In the July 5 referendum on European Union-dictated austerity measures, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) refused to call for a no vote, instead telling voters to spoil their ballots. Our comrades in the Trotskyist Group of Greece issued an open letter on September 13, explaining that they will not give critical support to the KKE in the September 20 elections unless it repudiates this betrayal. The letter can be read at


Australasian Spartacist No. 227

ASP 227

Spring 2015


Maritime Union Under Attack

Hutchison Ports Struggle Buried in Bosses' Courts


Imperialist Mayhem Fuels Refugee Crisis

Europe: Racist Clampdown on Immigration


Greek Trotskyists Said: No Vote to Syriza! No Vote to Popular Unity!

For Workers Struggle Against the EU!


British Labour Party Elections

Corbyn Landslide, Blairite Backlash


Utopian Liberalism, Treacherous Laborism

Reformists Support Border Force "Strikes"


Mumia's Life in Danger

Court Blocks Medical Treatment - Free Him Now!


Fifty Years Since Anti-Communist Massacre in Indonesia


New Spartacist Pamphlet


China Is Not Capitalist

China and the World Economy: Fact vs. Fiction


Greek Trotskyists Initiate Call

Repudiate Syriza's Sellout to the EU!



Open Letter to the Greek Communist Party

Why We Are Not Giving Critical Support to the KKE


Jeremy Corbyn: Tony Blair's Nightmare!