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Workers Vanguard No. 1164

1 November 2019

Letters Policy

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Workers Vanguard No. 1164

WV 1164

1 November 2019


Labor Needs a Class-Struggle Leadership

UAW Holds Off GM Bosses, But Strikers Sold Short


Free All Imprisoned Catalan Independentistes Now!

Independence for Catalonia! For a Workers Republic!


Down With Democrats’ War on Public Education!

Chicago Teachers: Fight to Win!

For a Workers Party!


U.S. Out of the Near East!

Syria: No to YPG Alliance with U.S. Imperialism, Enemy of Kurdish National Liberation!


Hong Kong Is Part of China



Letters Policy


Break the Chains of Capitalist Exploitation!

(Quote of the Week)


70th Anniversary of Chinese Revolution

Defend China! Down With Reactionary Hong Kong Protests!

For Workers Political Revolution!

Part Two