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Workers Vanguard No. 877

29 September 2006

Letters Policy

Workers Vanguard welcomes letters from our readers. Opinions expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the WV Editorial Board. We reserve the right to respond to letters either at the time of publication or at a later point. In order to facilitate the printing of letters, which we do not edit, please keep them to 500 words or less. Letters can be sent to Workers Vanguard, Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116 or e-mailed to [email protected].


Workers Vanguard No. 877

WV 877

29 September 2006


New Orleans Racist Atrocity—One Year After

Race, Class and the Fight for a Workers America

Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution!


Darfur: Colonialism's Murderous Legacy

No to UN/Imperialist Intervention in Sudan!


Defend Striking Teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico!


Capitalism: Wages Falling, Profits Rising

(Quote of the Week)


On Global Warming



Letters Policy


September 15 Oakland Rally

PDC: For a Class-Struggle Defense to Free Mumia!

"Labor Action Committee": No Labor, No Action


Workers Vanguard Subscription Drive


The Russian Revolution of 1917

From the Kornilov Coup to the October Revolution

Part One

(Young Spartacus pages)


For Free Abortion on Demand, Including for Teens!

Coming of Age in the U.S.A.—Sex, Fear and Religious Reaction

(Young Spartacus pages)


Join the Labor Black Leagues!