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Workers Vanguard No. 936

8 May 2009

Letters Policy

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Workers Vanguard No. 936

WV 936

8 May 2009


Obama and Image Control

U.S. Imperialism: Torture, Repression and War


Labor Tops Offer to Help Bosses Control Immigration

Economic Crisis: Immigrants Under the Gun

No Deportations!

Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!


On the Economy



Obama and Gun Control



Two Pictures Are Worth 2,000 Words



Letters Policy


Religion: Spiritual Bondage

(Quote of the Week)


Neo-Apartheid South Africa: “Public Health” Hell

Doctors Strike Defies ANC/SACP/COSATU Government


Death Penalty Appeal Denied

Free Troy Davis!


Labor Misleaders Push “National Security” Patriotism

“War on Terror” Crackdown on the Docks

Down With TWIC and the Maritime Transportation Security Act!


Australian Socialist Alternative: God-Deluded Opportunists

On Marxism and Religion

(Young Spartacus pages)