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Workers Vanguard No. 937

22 May 2009

Letters Policy

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Workers Vanguard No. 937

WV 937

22 May 2009


Pakistan: Hundreds Killed by U.S. Air Attacks

U.S./NATO Imperialists Out of Afghanistan!


Down With Protectionist Poison!

Britain: Labourites Whitewash Chauvinist Strikes


Women of the East: Proletarian Revolution or Slavery

(Quote of the Week)


On “Community Control” of Police



On USSR, Korean War and Nukes



On the IG and the EFCA



Letters Policy


“The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism”

By V.I. Lenin

(From the Archives of Marxism)


New Spartacist Pamphlet

Economic Crisis: Karl Marx Was Right


French Caribbean Colonies Shaken by General Strikes

For the Right of Independence! Down With French Imperialism!


From Vietnam to Afghanistan

ISO: “Third Camp” Apologists for U.S. Imperialism