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Workers Vanguard No. 938

5 June 2009

Letters Policy

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Workers Vanguard No. 938

WV 938

5 June 2009


UAW Tops Enforce Obama’s Raw Deal

Wall Street, Washington Shaft Auto Workers


Nuclear Test Rattles Imperialists

Defend North Korean Deformed Workers State!


Heroic Abortion Provider

Dr. George Tiller Assassinated


Asylum Now for Tamil Refugees!

Massacre in Sri Lanka: Defend the Tamil People!


Franz Mehring: On Historical Materialism

(From the Archives of Marxism)


On Big Cars and Big Oil



Letters Policy




The Civil War: The Second American Revolution

Honor Abraham Lincoln!

By Bert Mason


Karl Marx on Lincoln Re-Election


The Grant Administration (1869-1877) and the Rise of U.S. Imperialism

Part One


Tiananmen 1989: Incipient Proletarian Political Revolution