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Spartacist English edition No. 63

Winter 2012-2013


In Spartacist (English edition) No. 62 (Spring 2011), on page 5 of the article, “Fighting for Programmatic Integrity in a Reactionary Period,” we incorrectly referred to “the island of Aceh” in Indonesia. In fact, Aceh is the northern region of the island of Sumatra.


English Spartacist No. 63

ESp 63

Winter 2012-2013


Fake-Trotskyist Poseurs Promote Anti-Bolshevik Tract

Bourgeois Liberalism vs. the October Revolution

A Review of The Bolsheviks in Power: The First Year of Soviet Rule in Petrograd, by Alexander Rabinowitch


Marxism and Bourgeois Parliamentarism

Why We Reject the “Constituent Assembly” Demand


Letter by Fyodor Dingelstedt


Recycling the Second International

The Neo-Kautskyites


Larissa Reissner on Trotsky’s Red Army

The Battle of Svyazhsk, a Revolutionary Legend

(Women and Revolution pages)


Fred Zierenberg, 1949–2012

